June 2023
Tuesday, June 13
- New to NCDA Orientation
- HUD Federal Program Update
- Breaking Down IDIS Reports
- HOME-ARP Update
- Orlando Groundbreaking Affordable Housing (Catchlight)
- Orlando Groundbreaking Affordable Housing (Transit)
- HOME TBRA and Other HOME Initiatives (Henderson)
- HOME TBRA and Other HOME Initiatives (Royall)
- CDBG Best Practices
- Mangement-Keeping Your Team Motivated
- CDBG Outreach and Public Notices (Bruno)
- CDBG Outreach and Public Notices (Jones)
- HOME Best Practices
- CDBG-Managing Infrastructure Neighborhood Improvement Projects (Farris)
- CDBG-Managing Infrastructure Neighborhood Improvement Projects (Mensah)
- HUD Federal Program Update
- CDBG-HUD Federal Program Update
- ConPlan-HUD Federal Program Update
Wednesday, June 14
- Build America Buy America
- HOME-Housing Strategies that Work (Howard)
- HOME-Housing Strategies that Work (Wade)
- Management-Strategies for Hiring and Retaining Employees (Pratt)
- Management-Strategies for Hiring and Retaining Emmployees (Travis)
- CDBG Program Timeliness
Thursday, June 15
- CDBG: How to Choose your Projects (Rahman)
- CDBG: How to Choose your Projects (Guzman)
- CDBG: How to Choose your Projects (Johnson)
- Effectuve Use of ESG, HOME, ARP for Homeless Strategies (Henderson)
- Effectuve Use of ESG, HOME, ARP for Homeless Strategies (Thorpe)
- Permanent Affordability
- Oak Park: Awards Luncheon and Business Meeting
- Quincy: Awards Luncheon and Business Meeting