January 2023
Wednesday, January 25
- Choosing and Monitoring Subrecipients (Durfee)
- Choosing and Monitoring Subrecipients (Los Angeles)
- Choosing and Monitoring Subrecipients (Stratz)
- Ethical Conduct in the Administration of CDBG Funds (Kome)
- Legislative Update on HUD Program Funding (Watson/Daniels)
- New Member Orientation (Watson/Esbjerg)
- Section 3 and Workforce Development Local Strategies (Fillo)
- Section 3 and Workforce Development Local Strategies (Harrell)
- Section 3 and Workforce Development Local Strategies (Ludwig)
- Understanding Census Data (Best)
- Understanding Census Data (Cadena)
- Using CDBG for Eligible Activities (and Housing) (Henderson)
- Using CDBG for Eligible Activities (and Housing) (McNannay)
- Using CDBG for Eligible Activities (and Housing) (Wade)
- Using Federal, State or Local Funds for Homeless Initiatives (Anderson)
- Using Federal, State or Local Funds for Homeless Initiatives (Bruno)
- Using Federal, State or Local Funds for Homeless Initiatives (Henderson)
- Using HOME Funds for New Multi-Family Construction (Johnson)
- Using HOME Funds for New Multi-Family Construction (Keeler)
- Using HOME Funds for New Multi-Family Construction (Parise)
Thursday, January 26
- Cost Principles for Indirect Cost Recovery for Federal Awards (HUD)
- Environmental Review Update/HEROS Overview (Knutson)
- HELP! HUD Is Coming to Monitor! (Bachrach/Ulrich)
- HOME ARP Allocation Plan to Implementation (Maher/Burkley/McKittrick)
- Homelessness and Housing (Mach)
- Newer Planning Requirements for CDBG (HUD)
- Plenary Session: Affordable Housing in a Rising Cost Market (Blume/Pierson/Tom Carroll)
- Plenary Session: HUD Program Update (DeBlasio)
- Plenary Session: HUD Program Update (Sardone)
- Plenary Session: HUD Program Update (Hoemann)
Friday, January 27
- Audrey Nelson (Pasco County)
- Audrey Nelson (Las Vegas)
- Audrey Nelson (Wassau)
- Audrey Nelson (Columbus, GA)
- Audrey Nelson (Orlando)
- Best Practices for Engaging Your Citizens (Pond)
- Best Practices for Engaging Your Citizens (Rhinehart)
- Leveraging your CDBG funds through HUD’s Section 108 (DC)
- Leveraging your CDBG funds through HUD’s Section 108 (HUD)
- Single Family Rehab Programs (Berry)
- Single Family Rehab Programs (Keeve)
- Single Family Rehab Programs (Tsounis)