Heather Johnson

This user account status is Approved

Forum Replies Created

IDIS HOME Subsidy limit notice

Hello- We just set up a new homebuyer project in IDIS, and in the setup, in the usual spot, we placed the proposed HOME assisted unit quantity and estimated HOME amount. We entered 1 unit and the do...

In forum HUD CPD Programs

5 months ago
RE: CDBG Rehab - establishing "affordable rents"

Hi- We use the high HOME rents as our standard for CDBG. Our state has used the 65% of FMR standard for their CDBG-ish programs like NSP and CDBG-DR. That level is published along with the HOME rents ...

In forum CDBG Activities Q&A

3 years ago
RE: CDBG-CV Mortgage Assistance and Duplication of Benefits

Hi- There was a post about this a while back on the forum, linked here: That post refers only to what we do in our city, not necessarily a regulation requiring it. Our thinking has been that our pro...

In forum Cares Act Q&A

3 years ago
RE: CDBG COVID funds and Child Care Activities

Hello- We do not have a program like this, but have been looking into it for our CDBG-CV3 dollars. As part of that process I spoke to Kelley Walsh of Portland, Maine. The have has a child care scholar...

In forum Cares Act Q&A

3 years ago
RE: Urgent need use and CDBG-CV? Requirement to use an additional national objective

Hi Marion- I don't have an example of an urgent need activity, as we have not used it here. I did want to point out this resource from HUD, in case you were not familiar with it already. The Guide to...

In forum Cares Act Q&A

3 years ago
Interdepartmental Agreement - CDBG or CDBG-CV Public Services

Hi- Our parks and library departments are looking at funding a summer program for kids who have suffered learning/literacy loss as a result of COVID related school closures. We would fund this summer ...

In forum Cares Act Q&A

3 years ago
RE: Eligibility of HOME funds used for Common Areas in Multi-Family

I think this is a duplicate post, I posted an answer to it in the other posting.

In forum HOME Program Regulations (24 CFR Part 92) - Q&A

3 years ago
RE: Eligibility of HOME funds used for Common Areas in Multi-Family

I am not sure if you could do ONLY a laundry room for several reasons. The HOME program requires that you bring the unit fully up to your property standards, as well as do an assessment of the useful ...

In forum HOME Program Regulations (24 CFR Part 92) - Q&A

3 years ago
RE: Utility Allowance

For our pre-2013 HOME Final Rule rental projects we utilize our public housing utility allowances, which we pay for annually from HAPPY Software. For HOME projects that came after the 2013 Final Rule ...

In forum HOME Activities - Q&A

3 years ago
RE: Cultural Facilities Eligibility?

I am not sure about the planned future use, but what caught my eye was that CDBG was used to rehab the library "a few years ago". Keep in mind the change of use provisions, that property acquired or i...

In forum CDBG Program Regulations (24 CFR Part 570) - Q&A

3 years ago
RE: Accessory Dwelling Units Eligible under CDBG

Hi- I was looking for information about the change of use provision today, and came across information about your question entirely by accident! On page 2-40 of this document (which I believe is a cha...

In forum CDBG Activities Q&A

3 years ago
RE: CAPER and COVID funds

Hi Cassie- I have not seen formal guidance on this from HUD yet. However, CDBG-CV is being run through IDIS. You should be setting up and funding IDIS activities with CDBG-CV funds under whatever plan...

In forum Con Plan Q&A

3 years ago
RE: Affordability Periods

Hi Marybrook- I attended a non-HUD training several years ago where the trainer touched on this topic. He said: Generally, HUD is going to hold you to what you wrote in your HOME mortgage and covenan...

In forum HOME Program Regulations (24 CFR Part 92) - Q&A

3 years ago
RE: HOME single-family new construction

We do an application/lottery hybrid kind of thing, for both our new construction and our acquisition/rehab/resale properties. Basically we do it in a "round" with 2-3 houses in each round. We advertis...

In forum HOME Activities - Q&A

3 years ago
RE: Eligibility for Homeowner Rehabilitation

Hi- I don't have an exact answer for HOME, but I have some info for CDBG, if that helps. We have quite a few privately owned retaining walls here, and several times people have tried to get us to use ...

In forum HOME Program Regulations (24 CFR Part 92) - Q&A

3 years ago
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